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This Thing Called: Grief šŸ˜Ø

Iā€™ve known for some time now that my life up until 30days ago had challenges but when thinking about the challenges of those I loved for some reason mine paled in comparison. Not that what I have experienced was light work either, Iā€™ve had my share of hard times but for some reason it just didnā€™t seem as big or as bad as others. I was always grateful for that. But, in the back of my mind I would wonder, can I handle the big stuff? Weird huh? I know but itā€™s the truth.

Well I no longer feel that way. Iā€™m 30days into this thing called grief and I feel like Iā€™m in a whirlwind. Like, Iā€™m confused. Whatā€™s worse Iā€™m on the this roller coaster that just goes back and forth but never truly going any where and not allowing me the option to get off. The only time I think I might be off the ride is when I fall asleep, only to awaken and feel like the ride attendant is checking the bar to make sure I donā€™t fall out as I start the ride all over again


As a believer I feel like sometimes I'm not ā€œpermittedā€ šŸ¤ to say just how I feel. I donā€™t know exactly where that comes from, though I do have an idea. But Iā€™m just going to say it ā€œGrief SUCKS, losing someone you love SUCKS, managing the aftermath SUCKS! and to keep it šŸ’Æ, I donā€™t like it!!ā€ Thatā€™s the truth, my truth, whatever truth, itā€™s just that. I needed to get that out, express that.

Now, whatā€™s next. I have to feel all these feelings, I have to process all thisā€¦pain, shock, confusion, heart ache, and I canā€™t anesthetize it. Iā€™ve seen so many people process their grief with an ā€œaidā€ and life become even more unmanageable. So Iā€™ve decided on this route, I must say, an ā€œaidā€ seems like a nice option right now. Just being honest. Iā€™ve heard over the last month, take your time, you canā€™t rush this. AHHHHHHHH! I scream in my head, ā€œwhy not?ā€ Who wants to stay in this place, this is not enjoyable, this is crushing. The SILENCE of the loss is defening, the cosuming nature of your thoughts feels like a cage, the heaviness of your heart weighs your shoulders to the point where itā€™s easier to sink. GRIEF, you SUCK!!!!

So, whatā€™s next, how do I manage? Well for me itā€™s making sure to remember to give myself grace, itā€™s being grateful for what I shared, and itā€™s remembering. Itā€™s also getting 3rd party help because sometimes I donā€™t have the words for exactly what Iā€™m feeling or maybe I need some tips when this roller coaster climbs the incline, allows me to see the top of the ā€œmountainā€ only to drop like a hammer with a wave of emotions that canā€™t be controlled or bottled in. AHHHHHH I scream, just when I thought I was taking a step in the right direction. Iā€™m toldā€¦. ā€œthatā€™s griefā€

I could go into detail on who I lost, how I lost, what I lost but why, all that matters is I LOST. AHHHHHH Iā€™m screaming, I LOST. Man, I never thought Iā€™d be typing that about this but I am. You know another thing about grief, sometimes you have odd, unexpected responses. For me, my humor is even more dry and matter of fact. Itā€™s like, I need it to be literal to remind myself this isnā€™t a dream. Yeah, 3rd party here I come, you are going to get your moneyā€™s worth with this young lady.

If feels good to type this, to express myself in this manner. But again whatā€™s next. Whatā€™s next is I keep processing, whatā€™s next is I learn more coping skills, whatā€™s next is I lean on those who share the loss with me, whatā€™s left is that I donā€™t lose the fact that God is STILL good & HOPE always abounds, whatā€™s next is my feelings are real but they arenā€™t always reality, whatā€™s next is I donā€™t forget, in time this will pass. I just HOPE is isnā€™t a very LONG time

If your experiencing grief with me
1. Iā€™m sorry for your loss
2. Iā€™m praying for you
3. Please do go through this alone
4. Thereā€™s STILL HOPE even with tears in your eyes
5. You wonā€™t be on this roller coaster forever, eventually the attendant is going to escort you off

#ClassInSession: The Paradox of Purpose

#ClassInSession: The Paradox of Purpose