COVID...What have you done?
I’m exasperated. In shock, maybe? 😲How about you? Literally, what are we experiencing? Where is the mind blown emoji when you need it? 🤯😉 It was April 2nd, when I last posted, I think I thought this would be over by now but since then it’s been non-stop COVID. Not me or my loved ones taking ill, thankfully, but the world… all about COVID. My son keeps asking me questions⁉️ and well, I have no response because, as I say to him, “I’ve never lived through a world-wide🌎 pandemic before. I have no reference for this and neither do those I’d usually turn to when I have questions.”
COVID, I ask, what have you done? 🦠
COVID, you have stopped our society in it’s tracks, no one & no thing functions as it did this time last year. COVID, you have cratered our larger economy, while unknowingly supporting a specific sector. COVID, the discussion about you has laid waste to what used to be known as common sense. COVID, you have turned neighbors & friends into maskers -vs- anti-maskers.😷 COVID, you have made laws about wearing seat belts appear odd in the face of local governments trying to secure it’s citizens with masks.
COVID, again I ask, what have you done?
COVID, you literally caused nations to shut down. Like, don’t you see, grocery stores were emptied, our front line workers didn’t have proper PPE, and for weeks there was no access to toilet tissue🧻, disenfectant wipes, or hand sanitizer. Real talk, it’s still being rationed out. COVID, what the heck were you thinking? Don’t you see, our kids were forced to remain in doors 🎮 during their whole summer breaks, and our software is telling us we’ve failed to wash our hands for the requisite 20sec ⌚️. COVID, our nurses🩹, doctors🩺, police officers🔦, fire fighters🪓🧯, and store workers were forced to work and interact with the public, all while CEOs of tech companies cashed out on their stock ALL TIME HIGHS 🎯📈on zoom.
My goodness COVID, do you really not realize what you have done?
COVID, you’ve forced whole countries, families, and businesses re-think how they will not only handle illness but inequality. COVID, you’ve caused some that have, to pause and really consider the juxta-position of being a have not. Oh COVID, you have caused the President to claim his immunity all while those he governs continue to suffer at astronomical rates. COVID, your reach forced large number of voters to skip the booth in place mail in ballots. COVID, do you see, you have caused our hospitals to be over run, our schools to be closed down, groceries to be delivered, and our families to wave through windows?
COVID, I keep saying this but…What have you done?
For those already struggling with feelings of being alone, stuck, and without, COVID, you’ve caused them to consider the alternative to a life worth living💔. COVID, you have now forced us to face the vaccine -vs- anti-vaccine debate 💉, when all the news we get, in our silos, just might be “fake.” COVID, you feel like all natural disasters hitting every region at one time. Our government is literally arguing whether or not they should help it’s citizens, COVID, meanwhile the un-employment rate is high and the stock market acts as if nothing is wrong. COVID your reach, its like unending, but I must say you pay particularly close attention to those that have the least. I’d like to blame you for all of this but the reality is, we just weren’t prepared.
My oh my COVID, what have you done?
COVID, do you understand right now in the U.S. of A people are preparing to spend their holiday season on zoom? I mean families are having virtual Thanksgivings because coming together is is just, TOO risky. COVID, loved ones are surviving and possibly dying alone in hospitals because the new protocals are preventing visitors due to how potent you are.
I can’t believe you COVID 🦠, do you realize what you have done?
Crazy thing is, I don’t think you care.