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re-Model Homes

re-Model Homes

Have you ever listened to a message or a speech and left challenged but with questions? It happens to me all the time. Sometimes I wish the messengers, whether pastor or speaker would take some questions at the end, possibly do some Q & A the next day. What I’ve decided is that a few times a month I’m going to review a sermon that I’ve been listening to. But this review is in no way a critique, it is a review to highlight some of the main points or at least what stood out to me and bring light to the questions I have in response. I do not have the credentials, wisdom, or knowledge to be critical of their work. I am just one person trying to learn and I’d like to review what I’ve learned as well as ask a few questions. Maybe one day they will respond.

The message that I have been watching over & over again is TD Jakes’: Model Homes from Sunday, January 12th 2020 taught by Bishop Jakes with his wife, Pastor Serita. I must say, the first time I listened was late that Sunday night after having arrived home from a soccer game. I cried what felt like the whole message. I mean I’m recently divorced and its hard for me to believe my home has ANYTHING to model. So I’m calling my review…the re-Model Homes. The image in this post is the property of The Potter’s House of Dallas Texas.

I’m going to speak about the points that registered with me. They highlighted how many of us are trying to model a behavior that we have not actually seen modeled. Sadly, we typically don’t recognize that our lack of a model means it’s possible that our ideas and concepts about the roles and relationships in our model could be all together wrong or just not work for us. Listening to this I never considered there could possibly be something wrong with the model that was in my mind. I know, how prideful is that? I hate that it was true but it is. Had I considered this, I would have been more open to the changes that would benefit of us both.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord
— Ephesians 5:22 KJV

Then there was the part about submission. I’m not sure I’ve had a problem with this scripture but Bishop made a point about this verse that I hadn’t heard or seen before. The verse says “your own husbands,” meaning your husbands, the one you chose to marry, the one you wanted to be connected with, the one you screamed to the world how much you loved. Ouch! I have to own that. Like, let’s be honest, I chose him and, for me, I wanted him in my life as the man of my home so why is it a problem? There are challenges with submission but right now I’m asking myself would submission be as hard if you made the right initial choice? This isn’t to say I made the wrong choice but it is a challenge that I needed to better qualify the decision I was making at the time.

I listened to him & his wife discuss the non-negotiables, things they agreed they were just not going to do in their marriage. I don’t recall having that conversation. I wish I had! So many of the things they decided were not going to be apart of their home was apart of my home. I must say the condemnation sat heavy on me the first time I listened to this. But, God is so good because it was at that same time I thought about the scripture on “no condemnation” (Romans 8:1) and I immediately started to feel better.

But, here is my questions…Bishop what if I realized after this message that I needed a re-model? The inside of my home requires some gutting. I have some dry wall that needs to replaced, some old appliances that can no longer be fixed, and I need my walls painted.

  • What room do I start with?

  • How do I NOT feel like I just need a demolition?

  • What should I be praying for to make my home model worthy?

I want my home to be one those that know me want to model. I want my home to be a place my family can rest in. Heck, I want my home to be a place I can rest in (not that I am not resting now). I don’t want to “get it wrong” again. And I do want to try again. I do believe I can get this right but I do need help refurbishing the model I’ve created. How do I re-create this model? How do I adjust my expectations? How do I open my mind to take in consideration another’s perspective? Failure, for me, has caused me to step back, take a look at my life through a different lens. How do I make sure that in my efforts to re-build I’m using the right equipment, materials, and floor plans. What I do not want is to re-build the old model. That would SUCK! Yes, I said that would suck!

Time for me to re-model


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Kobe Bryant, Kyrie Irving

Thankful for You

Thankful for You