Cognitive Distortions
Have you ever tried to download a photo but for some reason it partially downloaded or was corrupted during the download? What you end up with is something like the below photo. Well cognitive distortions are similar but this photo would be a picture of your mind and how it reasons. Not a good look, I know.
Cognitive Distortion (CD), when said out load, seems like it might be a difficult concept to understand, based on the amount of syllables alone. But when I first heard of the concept I tried to break it down in my own terms. I knew cognitive had to do with the mind and distortions I knew was similar to lack clarity. Basically, thought traps.
So, I just put the two together, cognitive distortions means your mind doesn’t have a clear view. That is the most simplistic, self-created definition I could come up with. I learned about cognitive distortions in college, but it took me needing help to notice they could apply to me. It was then I began to see these distortions within my own world, how I had been going down the wrong path due to how I was thinking. But it’s hard to see yourself. Let’s be honest the only way to do it is to get a mirror, but reflections whether externally or introspectively takes courage and willingness.
I think one of the best ways to learn is to look honestly at who we are and how we think. For many of us our thought life “is what it is.” We’ve never even considered our thoughts as a topic to look at with a fine tooth comb and evaluate how those thoughts correlate to our feelings, moods, and actions. It ‘s important to understand the relationship you have with your thoughts and how that relationship effects how you live your life.
I’ve long heard that I needed to think positive, have faith, and not lose hope. In all out honestly I would get upset with people when the said anything remotely like the aforementioned to me. I felt helpless because if I could do those things, don’t you think I would. I don’t believe anyone enjoys sadness, maybe manipulative people enjoy the attention of sadness, but I don’t think anyone enjoys feeling sad or helpless. But many of us are not exactly sure how to handle the minefield that is our mind.
Over the next few blogs I’d like to give you an example of what these distortions have looked like in my everyday life. If by chance you see yourself, please don’t use negative self-talk, instead consider why it is you might feel the way you do. Don’t hesitate to use the resource page for help. And… keep reading, I’ll tell you how I work to overcome these distortions. My way may not be your way, though please know there is a way. Thought Life, in it’s essence just wants to help. Let’s go…